Kamis, 02 September 2010

My Life According To Taylor Swift

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. You can’t use the band/artist I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as “My life according to __________” Pick your Artist: Taylor Swift

Are you a male or female: Your Anything

Describe yourself: The Outside

How do you feel: Jump Then Fall

Describe where you currently live: I Heart Question mark

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Forever & Always

Your favorite form of transportation: Fearless

Your best friend is: Hey Stephen

You and your best friends are: I'm Only Me When I'm With You

What’s the weather like: Tim Mcgraw

Favorite time of day: Tell Me Why

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Mine

What is life to you: Today Was A Fairytale

Your last relationship: Picture To Burn

Your Fear: Fifteen

What is the best advice you have to give: You Belong With Me

Thought for the Day: I'd Lie

How I would like to die: Mary's Song (Oh My My My)

My soul’s present condition: Crazier

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

The Anatomy Show

Acara kelas kali ini untuk pelajaran biologi kita semua ke FX ngeliat anatomy tubuh manusia beneran, katanya sih, yang ngedonorin tubuhnya ada 90 orang, dan pertama pas gue masuk itu tempat, gatau kenapa gue amazed bgt, ya mungkin yg lain sih ngeliatnya biasa-biasa aja tapi bagi gue itu tuh bener-bener keren bgt, soalnya mereka bikinnya dirakit gitu dan ada penjelasannya sedetail mungkin plus plus ada sejarah biologi-nya juga, pokoknya worth it bgt deh kesana, ini sedikit foto-foto disana:


yaaa foto ini diambil dari kamera cia, kamera gue fotonya kurang jelas soalnya. udah dulu ya infonya ttg The Anatomy Show. BYE!

with love,
Kartika Aisyah

Ramadhan & Independence

Hello world!, it's been so damn long! since I moved to my new house (there's no Internet connection). This is the first blog I ever write in sophomore year! First, I just wanted to say if there's any mistakes that I made in the past, forgive me. Ramadhan & Indonesia Independence day is coming! (don't you think it's a little bit awkward ?). Well maybe I should stop this nonsense....BYE!

with love,
Kartika Aisyah

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Global Youth Service Day

yap ternyata bulan april gue gak ngupdate sama sekali -_-, yaudah deh gue mau cerita ttg global youth service day a.k.a GYSD acara sekolahan per kelas.
jadi tuh perkelas ngurusin acara kepanti asuhan, rumah singgah, atau apapun itu buat penyuluhan tentang global warming, gimana bahaya2nya dan efek2nya gt. tp sekarang gue bkn mau cerita tp gue masukin aja ya foto2nya

ada sekilas cerita ttg anak ini, gimana ceritanya dia bisa sampai kerumah singgah itu, jadi dia blg dia lg main sama temen2nya terus naik kereta, terus dia ketiduran dikereta itu. pas bangun temen2nya udh ninggalin dia, dan dia sendirian jalan dan alhasil dia sampe ditempat rumah singgah ini, pas ditanya rumahnya dimana dia sendiri gatau rumahnya dimana, dia cuma bisa jawab "jauh", tp baguslah dia bisa dpt tempat buat tidur yg layak di rumah singgah itu hehe :3

"JAK MANIA" gara2 anak disitu pada pake baju jak mania -_-

abis itu acara "pulang deh" ke rumah adlina, ini foto2nya sori kebanyakan foto cowok2 narsis homo hahah canda bgt

udah deh cerita GYSD-nya, lalu kita semua kembali kerumah dan live happily ever after. the end.